Good information on a large variety of topics.
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Good Education
Early Childhood activities, resources, articles & links for parents, carers and early childhood educators. Books, crafts, songs & info about child development
Kidsongs Lots of songs for kids of all ages: Animal songs and rhymes, Multicultural songs, Number songs, Nursery Rhymes, Transport songs and rhymes.
St George Early Childhood Guide Information about early childhood including parenting, health and services in the St George region of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
early play early childhood play ideas - art, craft, outdoor play, books, rhymes and songs and a little bit of parenting.
Bright Sparks homework help and project help for the 5 to 14 year age range. Topics include English, History, Geography, Maths, Science, & Ask a Question
Good Money:
Make money with Google on the world wide web. This site offers genuine and totally free information on how to create your own free website and make money with it.
Frugal Live More With Less - How to live frugally with ideas and challenges in areas of food, transport, energy, cleaning, money and clothes

Good Health
Autoimmune Disorders lists the conditions currently considered to be autoimmune with a description of each and links to in depth information about each disease.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy resources for this disease - symptoms diagnosis misdiagnosis treatment of CIDP.
Mineral Health Information to help you select foods that provide adequate daily amounts of minerals that are required by the body and how they assist our health.
Motor Neuron Diseases Includes symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment, differentiating between upper and lower motor neuron disease and between neuron disease and myopathy.
Good News
GNN - Good News Network positive news all together in the same place whenever you want it - nothing but good news and views from around the world in
perspective, Put a smile on your dial, GNN's award winning City of the Month, Happy homes , Help others - it's free
KNN - Kids News Network News for kids and News about kids from around the world - add your own news.
WWW - Weird Wonderful World News Inhabit a world of weird and wonderful occurences - underground living, Festival for Liars, fear of Fridays,Diploma of Elf Studies, journey through a giant human body, Crazy as a cut snake.